

Illuminating New
Possibilities And Growth

May, 2021


Learning Flutter

I learn and I help you learn Flutter and Dart from the ground up, step-by-step. You will be able to build beautiful, fast, and native-quality apps with Flutter. You will comprehend all of Flutter's essential ideas.

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May, 2021

Deep Learning

Deep Learning And Tensorflow

Learning is growing. You do what you love, and that's the only reason why I continue to study. I guess I have a weakness for things that grow (eg. plants). I attempt to help you learn how to produce good models using TensorFlow.

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April, 2021

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

To help means to care. I don't care about myself but about you (all of you and this world, but honestly I don't know). I help you with the essential and advanced principles of machine learning (without any charges, obviously). I attempted to cover all the principles I think may be important to all of you. I coded and documented these lessons while I was learning. Feel free to ask for something I will gladly help.

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June, 2020


Smart Green House

This project would facilitate the cultivation of greenhouse plants. It can also reassure you that plants are cared for during holidays or during a longer time around the greenhouse. This IoT-based smart greenhouse system enables data such as soil moisture and temperature to be collected in real-time and automatically decide whether to water batches of crops, turn on the fan/ bulb.

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May, 2020

MERN stack


Hustle free mail app to send bunch of emails to collect feedbacks. I established the payment portal for this project to add credits effortlessly in your account. These credits can be used for services.

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